Updating Your Look

Updating Your Look

How To Heal After Breast Augmentation: The Top Tips For Recovery

by Chester Williams

How can you make the most of the breast augmentation recovery period? Take a look at the top tips that can help you to feel more comfortable, heal, and get back to your pre-op life in less time.

Set Realistic Expectations

How long will recovery take? The answer to this question depends on factors such as your overall health, how quickly you normally heal, and how well you follow the surgeon's post-op instructions. Even though some people heal faster than others, don't push yourself to recover in less time than is necessary.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), pain from the surgery could last for one to five days and swelling could last for several weeks after the augmentation. Don't expect that you'll return to your normal daily life the day after surgery and avoid overexertion. While it's tempting to jump back into working, caring for your family, exercising, or doing anything else you do regularly, immediate recovery isn't realistic. Give yourself the time you need to heal. This can help you recover and may reduce the risk of a post-surgical setback. 

Plan Ahead of Time

Don't wait until after your breast augmentation surgery to prepare your home environment. Choose a comfortable place in your home to recover. The bedroom or a living room space with a cozy couch are the ideal spaces to rest and relax in the first few days after your procedure. Stock your fridge with healthy foods and make sure you have plenty of hydrating beverages (such as bottled or tap water) nearby. 

If your doctor recommends a post-surgical antibiotic, ask for the prescription before your procedure date. Pick up the medication the day before your surgery. This pre-op pharmacy visit eliminates the need for a surgery-day trip to the store. Along with an antibiotic prescription, pick up any pain medication (prescription or over the counter) that you may need.

Follow the Surgeon's Instructions

The surgeon will provide you with a list of post-op instructions to follow at home. These directions can help you to recover and reduce the likelihood of post-op complications or other issues that may interfere with the healing process. Common post-augmentation instructions include the use of medications, activity restrictions, wearing a compression bra/garment, changing the dressing on the incisions, and when to/not to bathe. The doctor may also recommend that you avoid lifting heavy objects (including young children) or sleeping on your side in the weeks after the procedure.

Contact a surgeon for more information about breast augmentation surgery


About Me

Updating Your Look

A few months ago, I realized that I wanted to look a little bit younger. I got a job as a marketing representative, so I found myself traveling from place to place to sell our company's products and services. However, my older look seemed to be holding me back from communicating effectively with the younger crowd. To correct this problem, I started investigating plastic surgery, and I was really impressed with how many procedures were out there that could improve my appearance. I was able to completely overhaul my look by going through and undergoing a few procedures, and now I feel great. This blog is all about updating your look with plastic surgery.
